Week 34, 2010 – a packing day
DSV, the official transportation partner of Code11, is scheduled to pick our package tomorrow morning. We packed 20 Folding Chairs, 60 Stands, 3 exhibition table-tops and tools together on a 120mm wide, 80mm deep European pallet, which took about 3 hours to complete for two of us.
It was not as difficult as I anticipated, but it was uneasy to see the enormous amount of packaging materials put into it, most of which were for one-time-use. Those materials might not be very expensive to purchase from stores, but when we recall the raw material of them, that is to say, oil, and how long it will take them to be discomposed, using them as a rapping material made us feel guilty. Is there any other option for packing than bubble rap, foam, tape and vinyl? Was it the best choice we could have made for our package? It is an issue for us, and it will be.

... and this is how it's done!