Week 34, 2010 – registration of A:B in Finland
Besides the fair, there has been one thing to be sorted out for me in Finland — business registration of About:Blank. The two of us has been taking a lecture since this May at Yritys Helsinki (Enterprise Helsinki), an organization which helps entrepreneurs establish their own businesses, and being guided by a mentor there who points out the essentials to take advantage of government support and the practical path to register a company in Finland. Thankfully, Yritys Helsinki offers lectures in English for those who doesn’t speak Finnish.
Once one takes a open lecture for the basics of establishing a business, then 10 times to have guidance from a mentor are given to each entrepreneur with more concrete plan in her/his business is free of charge. We have been also told to apply for ‘Starttiraha'(Star-up money) which is granted to an entrepreneur with promising business plan. If one admitted, it would financially support the applicant to sustain her/his basic life from 6 months(min) to 18 months(max) until the business becomes more stable and finds its own track.
Eventually, we became qualified to receive the Starttiraha, and the time to register About Blank in Finland came. About Blank was told to be registered with my name as one entrepreneur business, which is called ‘Toiminimi’ in Finnish, and this could provide a company better condition in taxation wise. About Blank in Finland would be a different company from the one registered in Korea.

PRH, National board of Patents and registration in Finland
Seungho and I just finished the registration of About:Blank at ‘Patentti ja Rekisterihallitus'(National board of patents and registration). What we have to do from this point is collecting all the receipt in repeat to business and keeping running to build up a better exhibition while waiting for the decision coming out from PRH.
We just started, and it would take long time to achieve what we want to so. Establishing a company evidently loads a huge burden on the shoulders, but it also shows an exciting picture of ourselves with wider and deeper perspective in the future.